How It Works: By joining After5Alike, you secure your spot in our exclusive pool of other like-minded women. We carefully review every application to match you with another incredible woman who shares your interests and life-stage. Within two weeks, you'll be matched with someone Alike, you can then decide when and where you’d like to meet up and start connecting.
After5Alike in 3 easy steps:
- Join After5Alike
- Once you are paired with someone, you will be connected on WhatsApp.
- Set up a meet up at your own convenience, we will share some of our favorite hotspots in the city with you.
Good to know:
- If the process takes longer than expected, we’ll keep you in the loop and offer a refund if needed.
- Incase you have any questions, please reach out to us via, or DM us at @after5co
To take your seat, please login / join us